NSW Public School’s Asset Review

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The NSW Department of Education’s ventilation and asset use recommendations are complete.

The department has conducted a statewide review of all windows, fans and ventilation systems in more than 150,000 spaces across our more than 2200 public schools, including preschools, to ensure our schools can operate them as intended. This included checking:

  • 650,000+ windows
  • 200,000+ ceiling and wall fans
  • 19,000+ extractor fans.

The audit confirms the majority of spaces in schools can be adequately ventilated through natural and mechanically assisted ventilation.

Any necessary remediation works identified by the review, such as easing and adjusting windows to ensure they operate as intended, were completed before the full return to face-to-face learning from 25 October.

Individual school audit reports, which have been updated in consultation between school Principals and local Asset Services Officers, will begin to be progressively uploaded to this page from Monday 1 November.

Audit reports previously provided to schools as part of the first phase of the asset review and prior to the beginning of rectification works, can be found here.