2023 Term 3 spring holiday work
In the 2023 Term 3 spring school holidays, work that may involve hazardous materials took place at the list of below schools.
Please note, ACM refers to “asbestos containing materials”.
Holiday works notification - September 2023
(PDF 126 KB)
Holiday work school list
School |
What work we’re doing and where |
More detail about the work involving hazardous materials |
Replacing external covered walkway ceiling outside Building B |
Removal of ACM in ceiling sheeting. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of vinyl tiles in several rooms in Building B and a covered walkway between Building A and B. |
Removing ACM located under the vinyl tiles. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing roof gable on Building B. |
Removal of ACM within the roof gable. The area is in a construction site and separated by fencing. |
Carpet replacement in the administration area in Building A. |
Removing ACM in the vinyl tiles located under carpet. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing carpet in Building 2. |
Removal of ACM in vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Upgrading the unused old canteen and adjoining storerooms in Building H into a new office space. |
Removing vinyl floor tiles listed on the asbestos register. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing carpet in a classroom in Building 2. |
Removing vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Upgrading the toilets in Building 5. |
Removing ACM in the toilet partitions and ceiling lining. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing carpet in a classroom in Building B. |
Removing vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Building B roof replacement |
Removing LCM and ACM in roof cavity, external eaves and movement area. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of vinyl tiles and carpet in Buildings D, E and F. |
Removal of ACM in vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Repairing the flooring structure of a classroom in Building F. |
Removal of ACM in the subfloor. Undisturbed and in good condition. |
Refurbishing toilets in Building H. |
Removal of ACM within the toilet partitions. Currently undisturbed and in good condition. |
Removing ACM identified in the subfloor of Building I. |
Removal of known ACM found on the subfloor area of Building I. Area is inaccessible for students and staff. |
Upgrading the staff kitchenette in Building A). |
Removal of ACM in adjoining walls. The wall sheeting is undisturbed; in good condition. |
Building E roof replacement. |
Removing ACM in the roof cavity. The roof cavity is sealed. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Removal and replacement of flooring in Building A |
Removal of ACM under vinyl tiles. Tiles are undisturbed and in good condition |
Upgrade a number of science labs and prep rooms in Building A, and remediate storm damage. |
Removal of ACM in vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Removing the retaining wall at the front of the school along Holden Street. |
Removal of ACM within soil. Currently within a construction zone and separated by fencing. |
Building B roof replacement |
Removing lead and ACM in the roof cavity. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Refurbishment of toilets in Building I and replacement of vinyl tiles several rooms in Building C. |
Removing ACM in the toilet partitions and under the vinyl tiles. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Upgrading the canteen and administration building in Building A. |
Removing asbestos containing material within the ceiling sheets. It is undisturbed and in good condition. |
Replacing flooring in the Library Office in Building C. |
Removing vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Removal of vinyl tiles in Building 2. |
Removal of vinyl tiles with ACM underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Replacement of vinyl tiles in Building B. |
Removal of ACM in vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Refurbishment of Textiles classroom in Building 2. |
Removal of ACM in vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Remediation of walls and ceilings in rooms 0002 and 0007 in Block J. |
Remediation of ACM found in Block J. Building is cordoned off. |
Roof replacement in Buildings B, C, D, E, F, G, H, L |
Removing asbestos and LCM in the roof cavities. The roof cavities are sealed. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Removal and replacement of flooring in Block A. |
Removal of vinyl tiles with ACM located in rooms 5, 7 and 8. ACM undisturbed; in good condition |
Replacement of electircal boards in Building D as part of the Residual Current Device (RCD) Program. |
Removing ACM in the board backing. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Refurbishing the staff room kitchen in Building A. |
Removal of the wall sheeting behind the cabinetry identified as containing asbestos material. It is undisturbed and in good condition. |
Refurbishing Administration Building (Building F). |
Removing ACM in the vinyl tiles underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of carpet in the hallway in Building L. |
Removing ACM in the vinyl tiles underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of vinyl tiles in several staff and storage rooms in Building A, D and G. |
Removing ACM located under the vinyl tiles. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Refurbishment of student toilets in Building C. |
Removal of toilet partitions with ACM. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Replacing damaged windows in Building A. |
Removing ACM in the window frame. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
New flooring in a number of rooms in Building A. |
Removing vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath existing carpet. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Carpet replacement in Building B. |
Removing ACM located in vinyl tiles underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of carpets and removal of vinyl tiles in Buildings A and D. Removal of ceiling linings in Building F. |
Removal of ACM under vinyl tiles. Removal of ACM in canteen and 2 storeroom's ceiling linings. All undisturbed and in good condition. |
Buildings B and C roof replacement. |
Encapsulation of lead dust in ceiling cavity. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Hall upgrades including the installation of a platform lift. |
Removing asbestos containing wall partitions in the changing rooms. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Removal of roof eaves on Building A. Program is managed by Department of Planning and Environment. |
Removal of eave sheets with ACM. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Removal and replacement of tiles in Building S3 |
Removal of ACM under vinyl tiles in science labs and prep rooms in Building S3. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing carpet in the Administration Building. |
Removing vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Building C roof replacement. |
Removal of ACM in the roof cavity. Currently undisturbed and in good condition. |
Building F roof replacement |
Removing ACM in the roof cavity. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Refurbishing the girls and boys toilets in Building A. |
Removal of toilets partitions with ACM. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of windowframes in Building B. |
Removing ACM wihtin the soffit lining in the external window awnings. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of electrical boards in Building A, C and D as part of the Residual Current Device Program. |
Removing ACM in the board backing. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Repairing a school bell in Building D. |
The ceiling sheeting is identified as containing asbestos material. Undisturbed and in good condition. |
Replacement of vinyl tiles and carpet in Building G. |
Removal of ACM in vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Removing eave sheets in Building B and C. |
Removing ACM in eave sheets. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Removal of eave linings in Buildings G, H and J. |
Removal of ACM within the eave linings. Currently undisturbed and in good condition. |
Replacing the ceiling in Building J. |
Removing ceiling sheeting identified as containing asbestos material. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of window in Building F. |
Removing ACM in the window lining putty. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing a damaged window in Building A. |
Removing ACM in the window frame. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of tiles and carpet in several rooms in Building L. |
Removing ACM in the vinyl tiles underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Repairing broken stormwater pit located at the rear of Building A near the staff carpark. |
Remediating stormwater pit lid containing asbestos material. Area has been cordoned off. |
Replacing wall and ceiling sheets in a classroom, practical activities room, and storeroom in Building D. |
Removing asbestos containing wall and ceiling sheets. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing flooring in a number of rooms in Building B. |
Removal of ACM in vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Refurbishing the roof in Buildings A and B. |
Removal of asbestos containing eave sheets. Undisturbed and in good condition. |
Removing internal and external infil panels in Buildings E and K. |
Removing ACM in the internal and external infil panels. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of eaves in the toilets in Building I and K. |
Removing ACM in the eaves. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Refurbishing the boys' toilet in Building M. |
The current toilet partitions are identified to contain asbestos material and will be removed. |
Upgrading the staff toilet in the community room in The Cottage. |
Removal of ACM in toilet partitions. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Building A roof remediation |
Removal of LCM in the roof cavity of. Undisturbed and in good condition. |
Replacing carpet in Building A. |
Removing ACM in the vinyl tiles underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing roof in Building G. |
Remediation of lead dust in the roof cavity. Roof cavity is sealed and inaccessible for students or staff. |
Replacing ceiling lining of an external veranda in Building D |
Removal of ACM within the ceiling lining. Currently undisturbed and in good condition. |
Upgrading Administration Demountable Building. |
Removal of ceiling sheets with ACM. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Building A roof replacement. |
Removal of ACM within the eave linings. Currently undisturbed and in good condition. |
Replacement of cement sheeting on the old storage shed in Building R. |
Removing ACM in the external cement sheeting. Cordoned off and separated by fencing. |
Refurbishment of demountable building. |
Removing suspected ACM in the roof cavity and wall sheet. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of tiles and carpet in 3 rooms in Building A. |
Removing ACM in the vinyl tiles underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replace the eaves in the toilets in Building D. |
Removing ACM in the eaves. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Removing eave sheets in Building B. |
Removing ACM eave sheets. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing carpet in various rooms in Building K. |
Removal of vinyl floor tiles with asbestos containing material currently underneath existing carpet. |
Replacing flooring in one room in Building D, two rooms in Building E, and two rooms in Building L. |
Removal of ACM in vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Removal of eave sheets in Building B and a demounatable classroom. |
Removal of ACM within the eaves sheets. Currently undisturbed and in good condition. |
Removal and replacement of toilet cisterns in Block M. |
Removal of ACM located in toilet cisterns. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Building D roof replacement. |
Removing LCM in the roof cavity. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing flooring in one room in Building E, and two rooms in Building B. |
Removal of ACM in vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Replacing the carpet and vinyl tiles in Building E. |
Removing ACM in the vinyl tiles underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of carpet in NE corner of Room DR0003 |
Removal of ACM vinyl tiles. Asbestos undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of vinyl tiles and carpet in Building B. |
Remove ACM under the vinyl tiles and in the electric heaters. |
Replacing a damaged window in Building C. |
Removing ACM in the window frame. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing flooring in a number of rooms in Building B. |
Removal of ACM in vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Replacing flooring in a number of rooms in Buildings B, C, E, and L. |
Removal of ACM in vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Replacing flooring in the upstairs hall and adjacent room to the senior girls' toilet in Building A. |
Removal of vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath existing carpet. Undisturbed and in good condition. |
Removal of grey putty and repair of windows in Block D |
Removal of grey putty with ACM in Block D. Putty is undisturbed and in good condition. |
Building S roof remediation |
Removal of LCM in the roof cavity of. Undisturbed and in good condition. |
Refurbishment of movement area in Building F. |
Removing ACM in the eave sheets. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Removal of ceilings in Block B, rooms 0001 and 0002. |
Removal of ACM in ceiling. Asbestos is undisturbed, in good condition. Room not in use. |
Removing external and internal asbestos wall sheeting from Buildings L and M. |
The wall sheeting is identified as containing asbestos material. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing flooring in a classroom in Building B. |
Removing vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of tiles and carpet in several rooms in Building A, D and E. |
Removal of ACM within the vinyl tiles underneath current flooring. Undisturbed; and in good condition. |
Replacing the carpet in multiple classrooms in Building A |
Removing vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing flooring in the administration offices and library in Building B. |
Removing vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of wall and ceiling sheets in Building B. |
Removing ACM in the wall sheet and ceiling sheets. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Installation of a new GA shed at the southern end of Building N. |
Removal of fragments suspected to contain asbestos materials in grounds. Currently undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing damaged covered walkway ceiling outside Building D. |
The ceiling sheeting is identified as containing asbestos material. It is Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing flooring in 3 rooms in Building C. |
Removing vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing carpet in Buildings B and D and removing furniture impacted by mould. |
Remediation of materials impacted by mould in Buildings B and D. |
Installation of turf cover on the northern playground area. |
Make safe work after fragments containing asbestos material were identified in grounds. |
Removing external awnings on Building G and H. |
Removing ACM in the external awnings. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing ceiling sheets in a storeroom in Building B. |
The ceiling sheeting is identified as containing asbestos material. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing damaged windows in the Main Clerical Office in Building A. |
Removing ACM in the window frame. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing the flooring in some rooms of Buildings C, E, H and L. Replacing external wall sheet in Building L. |
Removing vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath. External wall sheeting is ACM. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Removal of eaves in Buildings A1 and C2. |
Removal of ACM within the eaves. The areas are currently undisturbed and cordoned off within a construction site. |
Removing external lead-based paint, replacing flooring in Building A. Removing ceiling and wall sheets in Buildings C and D. |
Removing lead-based paint, ACM in walls, ceiling and underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of vinyl tiles in Building B. |
Removing ACM under the vinyl tiles. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Construction of a pedestrian link way and passenger lift between Blocks B and C. |
Removal of eaves from Block C containing ACM. Eaves undisturbed and in good condition. |
Replacing carpets in a staff room in Building D. |
Removal of vinyl floor tiles with asbestos containing material currently underneath existing carpet. Currently undisturbed and in good condition. |
Replacing external covered walkway ceiling outside Building D. |
The ceiling sheeting is identified as containing asbestos material. It is Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Renovation of room 0019 in Building B |
Removal and replacement of vinyl tiles with ACM. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Removing eave and soffit sheets in several covered walkways and external awnings of Building B and D. |
Removing ACM in eave and soffit sheets. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacement of vinyl tiles and cabinetry in Block H and Block K. |
Removing ACM under the vinyl tiles. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing flooring in the BASC classroom in Building D. |
Removing vinyl floor tiles with ACM underneath existing flooring. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Replacing floor mounted heaters with new air conditioners in Buildings A and D. |
Removing assumed ACM in the old floor mounted heaters. |
Repairing a section of damaged ceiling in the Library in Building B. |
Removal of ACM in the ceiling. Asbestos is undisturbed, in good condition. Room out of bounds. |
Repalcement of vinyl tiles and carpet in Buildings B, C and E. |
Removing ACM located under the vinyl tiles. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Refurbishment of student toilets in Building D. |
Removal of toilet partitions with ACM. Undisturbed; in good condition. |
Vermiculite testing program
During the 2023 Term 3 spring school holidays, vermiculite testing took place as part of our regular maintenance programs and to ensure the health and wellbeing of staff and students across the state.
Vermiculite is a textured ceiling finish, also known as popcorn ceilings. Some vermiculite coatings contain asbestos, requiring testing and remediation if asbestos is found to be present.
Independent occupational hygienists were engaged to test samples at the below schools. The rooms are currently in use as the material is undisturbed.
Following testing, the independent occupational hygienist advises whether any action is required.
Vermiculite testing program school list
School name |
Building/s where sampling is being conducted |
Building 5 |
Building A |
Building F |
Building A |
Building A |
Building F |
Building B |
Building D |
Building A |
Buildings D and E |
Building E |
Building D |
Buildings A, B and C |
Buildings H and I |
Buildings D and E |
Building AM |
Building B |
Buildings D and F |
Building A |
Building D |
Building A |
Building I |
Buildings B, G and H |
Building C |
Building 6 |
Building D |
Buildings B and H |
Building C |
Buildings B and F |
Building G |
Building H |
Building D |
Building 2 |
Building A |
Buildings B and D |
Building D |
Building E |
Exterior - Building B |
Building D |
Buildings HC3, AM, S2, S3 and L |
Building B |
Buildings GA, WM, GC, WD, GB, C2 and C3 |
Building A |
Building B |
Building E |
Building F |
Building D |
Building C |
Building A |
Building C |
Building 1 |
Buildings A, B and C |
Buildings F and G |
Building B |
Buildings A, B and D |
Buildings E and F |
Building C |
Building H |
Building B |
Building A |
Building D |
Building GFS |
Building D |
Building C |