Millfield Public School

Millfield Public School is a school situated in a picturesque rural setting 12 kilometres south west of Cessnock. The school delivers quality academic, social and extra-curricular programs that develop our students to reach their full potential and is proud to have successfully maintained this commitment to our community over our rich and increasing 150 year history. The school currently consists of four staged based classes, with school enrolments following an increasing trend moving from 55 to 80 students over the last 5 years. In 2019, student numbers reached a cohort size of 80 students, with boys making up 51% and girls 49% of the student population with 15% of students identifying as Aboriginal.    The school’s focus is on quality literacy and numeracy programs which are constructed on the basis of providing differentiation and research driven teaching pedagogy. This has seen the inclusion of targeted programs such as L3, TEN and Project Based Learning. Staff and students at Millfield Public School strive to model our school’s Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) expectations of respect, responsibility and safety on a daily basis.    The school understands the importance of the home school partnership in positively progressing student learning outcomes. Our P&C community are very supportive of the work we do as a school and are proactive in assisting where able. The Parents and Citizens’ Association organise social events and opportunities for raising funds to support our students including operating our school canteen. Communication between the school and community centres around fortnightly newsletters, fortnightly assemblies, school notes, short messages as well as embracing more progressive technological mediums and a well maintained social media presence. Staff make themselves available to meet informally with parents on a daily basis where personal relationships are further developed, as well as schedule formal meetings regularly throughout the year.    Wholistic assessment measures such as the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) data has shown steady improvement in our school 5 year averages. The school has consistently shown outstanding results in both Literacy and Numeracy within Year 3 assessments since the commencement of the L3 initiative.   The school is a member of the Cessnock Community of Great Public Schools and works collaboratively with neighbouring public schools to provide positive outcomes for all students across the community.

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