Lane Cove Public School

Lane Cove Public School has 864 students and is located near the busy commercial area of Lane Cove. Established in 1876, the school has a long tradition of academic excellence and is proud of its reputation for providing a well rounded education.The school encourages students to set goals and the expectation is that each student will achieve his/her best. We also encourage a sense of civic and social responsibility. As well as its strong academic programs the school offers an outstanding extra curricular music program which includes a concert band, a jazz ensemble, an orchestra and a number of training bands. The school also offers an extensive sport program and extra curricular activities including debating, public speaking, dance and choir. Chess, Hebrew, French and Mandarin are available as after school activities. Lane Cove Public School has a dedicated staff supported by strong partnerships with parents and community.

Lane Cove Public School project

Construction has begun at Lane Cove Public School to replace buildings that were destroyed in a fire at the school in 2020. The project will deliver a replacement canteen and school hall, along with improved playground facilities and an external covered area. Learn more from the July 2021 project update (PDF 1130 KB).

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