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We’re committed to providing the best learning environments at public schools across NSW to give young people the skills and learning they need to succeed. We’re delivering a record investment in new and upgraded schools and we acknowledge this work can cause a range of impacts, such as:
We aim to reduce the impact of construction by:
We prepare various plans including construction and environmental management plans. These plans outline how we will manage the construction impacts which are likely to happen on our site.
Each construction site is different and we use different construction approaches to suit each project. As a result, our plans to manage impacts for each project will vary. We also consider nearby residents and businesses when developing our plans.
Our planning approach includes:
Construction can be disruptive and we thank you for your patience while we complete this important school project.
There are many ways we can reduce noise and vibration impacts from construction. The measures we use are different for each project, but may include:
We work with the construction contractors to manage impacts on the local community. We expect their support to reduce the impact of the work by:
We are introducing modern methods of construction (MMC) that can help to reduce construction noise and disruption. We manufacture building parts in a factory, then transport them to the site to be assembled. On MMC projects, this means less noise, less dust, less traffic and less disruption.
Standard construction working hours are:
Sometimes we need to work outside normal working hours. Out-of-hours work might include:
During construction, we will notify our neighbours before disruptive work takes place. We will tell you about:
If we need to perform unexpected out-of-hours work, we will explain the reasons why as soon as possible afterwards.
For more information about how we manage construction impacts, contact us:
For a translation and interpreting service, call 131 450 and ask them to call the NSW Department of Education – School Infrastructure NSW on 1300 482 651.
Download our noise, vibration and traffic factsheet in 12 languages
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Learn more about how we build schools.