Tharawal Public School

Tharawal Primary School is a caring school which offers a broad and comprehensive curriculum. The name 'Tharawal' comes from the language of the Aboriginal people who first lived in the area. The school's emblem, the lyrebird, was selected in recognition of their totem. Tharawal Primary School enjoys a delightful bush setting with positive environmental policies to support the natural and built environment. The school motto 'Respect and Responsibility' is upheld by the whole school community. There is mutual respect between students, staff and the parent community as they work together to educate the students academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. Each child is encouraged to become a life-long learner and a mature, contributing member of society. Tharawal Primary School is part of the Community of Schools Between the Rivers (COSBTR) network of schools which enjoys strong links between local primary and secondary schools. Visitors to the school note the excellent school tone with its adherence to uniform, strong values and an expectation that students will learn in a happy and caring environment.

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