Wirreanda Public School

Wirreanda Public School is located in Medowie, Port Stephens. The school has 618 students, 9% of whom identify as Aboriginal/Torres Straight Islander and 25% of students from RAAF families. The school was established in 1985, sitting on a large natural environment. Wirreanda is an Aboriginal name meaning 'place where wallabies live'.  Wirreanda Public School has a dedicated teaching staff who set high expectations for achievement, embed evidenced based teaching and learning strategies, and support collaborative processes. School priorities focus on Quality Teaching, Learning Excellence; Engaged Quality Relationships; Excellence in School Performance. A range of academic, sporting, cultural and environmental activities ensures student opportunity, participation and learning across diverse curriculum activities. There is a quality, positive school culture and a high level of parent and community support for and participation in school activities at Wirreanda Public School.  The school has an active and dedicated P&C Association and a large group of parent volunteers who support the school in many ways. At the core of our beliefs is that the school must be a safe and happy environment to encourage and facilitate student learning and achievement. Wirreanda Public School students are enthusiastic learners who personify our motto "Growing in Harmony". 

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