William Stimson Public School

- William Stimson Public School is located in South Western Sydney in the Fairfield group of schools. The school population currently stands at 556 students, including 46 students in a Support Unit. The school is 82% non English speaking background with children from over 43 different language backgrounds. William Stimson Public School offers a broad, well balanced, quality education for all students. The school is focussed on excellence in education, equity for all students and continuing school improvement. The school environment is one of safety, harmony and commitment to high standards in all areas, including academic, citizenship, student leadership, sport and creative arts. - The award system encompasses the school standards in the areas of Academics, Participation and Citizenship. The school motto is "I learn to live' and supports the emphasis on Quality Teaching and Learning in Literacy and Numeracy, Technology, Student Leadership and Citizenship, Sport and Physical Activities and the Arts. The staff of William Stimson is a group of highly trained,committed, professional and energetic teachers, dedicated to the education of all students and whole school improvement. The expertise within the school incorporates all curriculum areas including Technology, Mathematics, Accelerated Literacy, Reading Recovery, Creative Arts and Special Education for physical and intellectual disabilities and autism. - Every student is expected to take responsibility for their own learning and parents are encouraged to be active partners in their child's education. The Values Education Program is embedded in the school culture and incorporates the values of integrity, excellence, respect, responsibility, cooperation, care, fairness and democracy. The Anti-Bullying Plan is an integral part of the Values Program. - Special events during the school year include Open Days for Education Week, Grandparents' Day, Multicultural and Aboriginal Celebrations, Literacy and Numeracy Week, Book Week Parade and the Easter Hat Parade. Other special programs include Italian, Homework Centre, After School Sports, Tournament of Minds, Mathletics, Maths Olympiad, Public Speaking, Poetry Competition, Debating, Art Club, Premier's Spelling Bee, Writing Challenges, Student Representative Council, International Competitions and Premier's Reading Challenge. - Special programs for students in the Support Unit include swimming lessons, Riding for the Disabled, Schools Boccia Knockout Competition, weekly visits to the local library, ten pin bowling and inter-school sporting events. Further educational opportunities for all students are provided through the excursions program, including overnight stays at Collaroy Centre, Camp Yarramundi, Bathurst goldfields and Canberra and the snow. Excursions cover cultural, environmental, sporting and curriculum based projects. - A major event each year is the participation in the Parks Area Festival of Performing Arts with high standard items including junior, senior and contemporary dance, skipping, choir, drumming and Glee Club. In 2014 the School Choir participated in Schools Spectacular and one Year Five student was a featured artist.  - The School Sport Program includes participation in Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals as well as Gala Days for Soccer, Oz-Tag and Netball. The school participates in PSSA competitions, ten pin bowling and tennis.  K-2 students enjoy weekly sport lessons designed to teach basic skills of movement, catching and throwing.  K-2 students participate in a special Activity Day in Term 4 each year. - Students are encouraged to develop a social conscience through actively participating in fundraising events for Stewart House, the Cancer Council and a variety of emergent local, national and international relief efforts. Students participate in the Relay for Life, visits to Aged Care Facilities and community charities such as the Fairfield Trolley Drive. These events are driven by the school Student Representative Council.

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