Quambone Public School

Quambone School provides a caring, supportive environment in which children are encouraged to develop positive skills, knowledge and attitudes through a variety of experiences, progressing towards the full attainment of their potential as thinking individuals and effective members of society and achieve academically according to their individual abilities, attitudes and interests. To this end, the school provides a balanced, stimulating education, catering to the needs of the individual student by provision of individual education programs. Quambone Public School is a small isolated, rural school in western NSW. The school is uniquely located close to the Macquarie Marshes, using this environmental feature in many teaching and learning activities. It rates as an eight point school. The school is composed of four buildings of which two are used as classrooms, one as a library and the other as a staffroom. Quambone is fortunate to benefit from both CAP and PSP funding. The school is dedicated to offering students as many opportunities as possible to participate in arts activites to showcase their work and talents within the school and in the outside community.

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