The Entrance Public School

The school community of The Entrance Public School work in partnership to maximise the achievements of our students. Our shared vision is to provide a quality teaching and learning environment that is safe, secure and enjoyable for all students. A school which offers every student the opportunity to achieve their potential. We foster positive partnerships with caregivers and the local community. The students are encouraged to accept shared responsibility for their learning and develop the skills to become confident, resilient citizens of the future. The core values of the school are organisation, co-operation, resilience, getting along and persistence. The school has developed a positive public image as a result of successful school programs, the engagement of parents and the extensive refurbishment of the school's facilities, including an upgraded playground, two computer labs and interactive whiteboards in all classrooms. The school has excellent resources and receives additional funding through the Priority Schools program. Staff are trained to deliver innovative programs such as Accelerated Literacy and Reading Recovery. The school offers the opportunity for students to participate in band, choir, public speaking, debating, dance and sport. Students have represented the school at regional, state and national levels in athletics, cricket, rugby league and swimming. In 2010, our school, as part of the Tuggerah Lakes Learning Community, received a Director-General's School Achievement Award in recognition of the effective relationship we share with our partner schools which has led to improved outcomes for our students.

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