Delegate Public School

Delegate Public School is a small rural school located in the Snowy Monaro Region of New South Wales. Established in 1871 and situated in the geographical area of the far south-eastern New South Wales and approximately 8km from Victorian border. It has expansive playing fields, an attractive heritage building for administration and library and contemporary classrooms with Connected Classroom facilities. In 2010, we began establishing our kitchen and garden facilities funded by the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation. It provides an exceptional base for establishing an environment conducive to sustainable learning and for the development of pride in the school. The area remains drought affected and the school receives funding from the Commonwealth Government under the Drought Relief program. The community is identified as a low socio-economic status population. Students are placed across two multi-stage classes. The Teaching Principal is supported by one full-time classroom teacher, and two permanent part-time teachers who support learning assistance and who fill the part-time positions of school librarian and release from face-to-face and executive release. Also, a temporary part-time teacher is funded through the Priority Schools Funding Program and Country Areas Program to support Stage 2 students and technology. A part-time School Administration Manager, three School Learning Support Officers, Garden Specialist and Kitchen Specialist (Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program) and a General Assistant who maintains grounds and facilities (one day per week) support the teaching staff and students of Delegate Primary School. The school has a small but highly committed P & C Association whose members are actively involved in school decision-making, inclusive of the school's self evaluation processes, broad financial management decisions, decisions relating to capital improvements and school policy decisions. The dedicated, highly motivated staff is committed to providing high quality teaching and learning programs relevant to the needs of all students in a caring, supportive environment. We want to develop an inclusive school which fosters a love of learning; a respect for self and others; and an acquisition of knowledge which will enable students to take their rightful place within their own community as well as within the wider global community. We want children and parents to value learning, to see it as a life skill and to make the most of the opportunities provided. Students are demonstrating an understanding of the necessity to accept responsibility for their own learning and are experiencing success in a range of endeavours, especially leadership and citizenship. We pride ourselves on being a school that cares. The Country Areas Program, the Priority Schools Funding Program and National Partnerships 2011 (Low SES School Communities funding) currently support the school's teaching and learning programs.

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