Cobbitty Public School

Cobbitty Public School, established in 1882, is situated in the village of Cobbitty on Sydney's south-west outskirts. The school is highly valued by the community and is a focal point for families across the district. Cobbitty Public School is committed to providing comprehensive quality learning opportunities for all students in a positive, safe and supportive environment. Student welfare is of paramount importance to the school community. Literacy and numeracy programs continue to provide the foundation of the school's curriculum and are supported by a diversity of programs and extra-curricular activities to meet individual student needs. Student achievements in Performing Arts include junior and senior dance group selection in the School Spectacular, Inter-district and State Dance Festivals and participation by the school's band and junior and senior choir at district festivals and special events. The school also has a proud history of achievement in sport with success in PSSA competitions, zone athletics, cross-country and swimming and local gala days. The Student Representative Council was responsible for the selection of the school motto 'Learn, Grow and Succeed Together'.

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