Bingara Central School

Bingara Central is a K to 12 school that is situated on the Gwydir River, 150 kilometres north of Tamworth in the New England Region. To meet the curriculum needs of students a variety of organisational structures have been developed which include vertical curriculum delivery, year based and stage based classes, supervised Distance Education and TVET, variety of Stage 5 elective choices and the delivery of VET courses. The school is focused on improving student learning outcomes through the consistent application of quality teaching practices underpinned by whole-school, and targeted teacher professional learning. Future focused skills aiming to develop well informed, critical and creative thinkers with high resilience are supported through a whole school approach inclusive of wellbeing, PBL and Middle School STEM initiatives. The school community is committed to a strong learning culture that prides itself on forming productive partnerships with parents and the wider community. In a diverse curriculum, there is a strong emphasis on quality teaching and the maintenance of high expectations across all areas of school life. We are proud of the excellence and commitment of our staff, who ensure that the needs of each student are catered for on an individual basis. Every student is valued at Bingara Central School.

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