New Cammeraygal High School Senior Campus opens

Release date: 26 January 2019

Cammeraygal High School senior students are returning to school this year to a new state-of-the-art Senior Campus.

The new senior campus, located at the former Crows Nest TAFE site, can accommodate up to 600 students and includes 30 new classrooms, a new library, technical and applied studies facilities, student and staff amenities, and new administration and staff facilities.

The new classrooms and the library will be air conditioned as part of the NSW Government’s Cooler Classrooms program that is seeing air conditioning delivered in thousands of classrooms across the State.

In addition to the learning areas, a new multi-purpose hall with a competition-sized basketball court and performance stage will be ready for students to enjoy from mid-2019.

Cammeraygal High School Senior Campus is one of 17 new and upgraded schools opening across NSW on the first day of the new school year.

The NSW Government is investing $6 billion over four years to deliver more than 170 new and upgraded schools to support communities across NSW. In addition, $847 million is being spent on school maintenance over four years.

For more information, download the Cammeraygal High School Senior Campus welcome pack (PDF 2,383KB).